Financial Ready Utah Spring Seminar

Spring Seminar

Growing concern about our financial future and the impact of the debt crisis has prompted Utahns to take action. Through Financial Ready Utah, this group aims to prepare and reduce the effects of the aftershock that are a consequence of the inevitable financial earthquake.

Financial Ready Utah is holding a spring seminar where attendees will learn about the steps we should be taking to help our communities. Please join us for this exclusive financial preparedness event where Peak Prosperity founder Chris Martenson will speak about preparing for a fiscally sustainable future.

Spring Seminar Agenda
7:30     Continental breakfast
8:00     Kent Thomas, CPA What is Financial Ready Utah
8:15    Rep. Ken Ivory, remarks and introduction of Chris Martenson
8:30     Chris Martenson, Founder of Peak Prosperity
9:15    Q&A with Chris Martenson
10:45    Break
11:00    Preparedness Panel: What community leaders in Utah
are doing to prepare for a  financial disaster

Date: Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Time: 8 a.m. to noon
Location: UACPA, 220 E. Morris Ave., Suite 320, Salt Lake City
Cost: $25, Recommended Donation
CPE: One (1) hour
Click here to register

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