Who We Are


Financial Ready Utah was created by Utah’s CPA community, chambers of commerce, state legislators, community leaders, educators and others who are invested in taking action on securing a sustainable future for our families. Individuals have come forward to leverage their voices in an effort to prepare for a “financial earthquake” in the spirit of Be Ready Utah.

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6 thoughts on “Who We Are

  1. Your “who we are” page doesn’t tell us who you are. I would like the names of the members of your 30+ member organization.

    You really can’t expect us to take your resolution to city councils and county commissions if we don’t have a clue as to who is behind this movement, can you?

  2. Bryce has a good point, however, I think it is unwise for the state to be so dependent on the national government for its budget. Regardless of who is behind this particular movement, I think we should be questioning why we are so dependent on Washington.

    Furthermore, by accepting money from Washington, we also get the strings that come with the money. I would prefer the state spend less money and have more local control.

  3. I am wondering if the accountants who started Financial Ready Utah are a part of any national association of accountants? If so, could they please contact their counter parts from Oklahoma, who are in the association, and show them what Financial Ready Utah is doing and encourage them to do it in Oklahoma, where I live. To get Washington to take meaningful, intelligent action on federal spending, I think we have to start a loud and very persistent grass roots movement that is more powerful and effective than the Tea Party.

  4. The Utah Association of CPAs is based here in Utah. However, there are similar associations in each of the states and we get together regularly for conferences or other events. The American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) is the national organization. In May of last year, they launched a campaign called “What’s At Stake” to draw attention to the need for greater government fiscal responsibility. Each state CPA society was represented at that May meeting.

    Frankly, that was the genesis for the discussions that began in Utah last year and ultimately evolved to become Financial Ready Utah. Our hope is that this can spread as a model to other states. Here’s a link to legislations that is moving forward in Texas modeled after what we’re doing in Utah:


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